WHAT Frontenc Mentor? https://www.frontendmentor.io/challenges?sort=difficulty%7Casc CHALLENGE TITLE : Workit Landing Page FOCUS ON This HTML and CSS-only landing page will be an excellent test of your UI and responsive skills. There’s also some fun to be had creating the curved section borders! UI와 반응형을 제작하는 데 도움이 된다고 합니다. 곡선 섹션 경계를 만드는 것도 재미가 있다고..!? (나는 안만들고 이미지로 떼웠기 때문에 아주 놀랐....구현해야겠다ㅜㅠ) WH..
🔗 Frontend Mentor Pro/Workit Landing Page
WHAT Frontenc Mentor? https://www.frontendmentor.io/challenges?sort=difficulty%7Casc CHALLENGE TITLE : Workit Landing Page FOCUS ON This HTML and CSS-only landing page will be an excellent test of your UI and responsive skills. There’s also some fun to be had creating the curved section borders! UI와 반응형을 제작하는 데 도움이 된다고 합니다. 곡선 섹션 경계를 만드는 것도 재미가 있다고..!? WHAT TO DO? - 오늘은 PC 화면만 구현해봤다. - 겹쳐있는 듯한 레..